Saturday, July 11, 2009

Milestones - 14 months old

Zo Ee at 14months 4weeks old. (10/7/2009)

Motor skill

  • Walking: stable while carrying books or a bag of toys in her hand.
  • Running : occasionally especially at the playground
  • Kicking a ball without support
  • Trying to climb the slide at the playground
  • Doing free fall on Mummy’s bed
  • Tip-toeing to reach for higher height.
  • All four on the floor while retrieving toys under the sofa.
  • Pushing stools/stroller around
  • Squat down to pick up an object/toy


  • A big leap in language development: saying and reading more than 500words. Reading short sentences.
  • Read with better understanding. Chuckles at funny ideas.
  • She can recognize more than 1000 written words. (rough estimation) New vocabulary: new shapes, more nouns and action words.
  • Actively communicating, naming and pointing at objects and colours. Eg. “Moon, white, circle” or “lion, roar, ummph!!!” or “car, red, beep-beep” , “dustbin, green, mell(smelly)” , “bear, grr…, hug” , “frog, eyes (big eyes), jump” , “cat, black, meow” etc.
  • Pronouncing her own name, “Zo Ee”
  • Says “me” after a sneeze. (excuse me)
  • Knows her opposites well, eg. Mummy asked, “The opposite of happy is?” Zo Ee will answered, “sad” . Even if Mummy were to reverse the question, little Zo Ee will still get them correct. (video attached at the end of this blog)
  • Understand and can reply accurately on these questions: “What colour is a particular object?” or “What is the shape of a particular object?” or “What do you want?” or “Would you like Mummy to help you?” or "What are you doing?" or "What are you playing with?" or "Would you like Mummy to read to you?" or "Would you like to have your breakfast/lunch/dinner/milk/etc?" or "Do you want to go to the playground/go out with Mummy?" etc.

Indicating want:

  • Saying more words with gestures to make her needs known, eg.“bread”, "milk”, “rice”, “fish”, “egg”, “bun”, “fruit”, “pear”, “cheese”, etc (know most food by their names) , “bao-bao” (carry), “no” , “yes” , “touch” , etc.
  • When Mummy says “no touch” , little Zo Ee will indicate her interest in touching a particular object by saying “touch, touch”


  • Recognize numbers
  • Reciting skill: able to recite 1 – 10 in the correct order
  • Learning 4-steps maths equations. (Combination of addition with subtraction or multiplication with division.)
  • To browse books alone or with company(Mummy or Daddy), especially when awake in the morning and just before bedtime. (video attached at the end of this blog)
  • To dance along with music, moving her head, body, hands and legs.
  • Loves surprises.
Fine motor skills
  • Fit all numbers(0-9) back into the floor mats
  • Matching shapes (oval, square)
  • Completed her shape sorters (triangle, square, circle, cross, rectangle) and (star, triangle, flower shape). (video attached at the end of this blog)
  • Self-feeding with a spoon with Mummy’s help (putting food onto her spoon)
  • Wiping her mouth independently after eating.
  • Initiate to put on her own socks and shoes (learning)
  • Trying to remove tubes' caps, eg. A tube of cream. While asking Mummy to help her, little Zo Ee tries to unscrew/open the cap herself while saying, “pen” (open)
  • Put objects/toys into our hands.
  • Putting objects/toys into her little bag.
  • Brushing her teeth. (of course not clean)


  • Initiate friendship : walking or running after little kids (older than her), calling them "jie-jie" or "ge-ge" spontaneously. Saying “Hi!” and “bye” to adults while waving her hand (without being told to most of the time).
  • Loves to hug (hugging most of her toys, even trying to hug Mummy’s/Daddy's photos)
  • Playful and happy girl
  • Sings ABC song while playing her keyboard.
  • Enjoys nice music, even Mummy’s choice of songs (Vocal, Jazz) or classical more than her nursery rhymes.
  • Enjoys comfort objects: blanket, soft toy, or just leaning onto us
  • Describing "Hot " or "cold" (feels with hands)
  • Telling Mummy, “dustbin smell” (smelly dustbin)
  • More observant; seeing details on books, toys and surroundings
  • If she smells something strong, she will be telling Mummy, “mell” (smell)
  • Recognized birds chirping. When Mummy asked, “what is that sound?” Zo Ee will reply, “bird!”
  • Occasionally telling Mummy, “poo, poo” while pulling at her diaper due to the discomfort of a dirty diaper.


  • World Map: can locate 21 countries (Alaska, USA, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Greenland, Antarctica, Spain, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Madagascar, Afghanistan, India, Russia, Mongolia, China, Japan, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand) (as on 10/7/2009)
  • Reciting skill: able to recite 1 – 10 in the correct order. Able to recite most alphabets in sequence in a smaller group, eg. A-L or L-Z.
  • Able to fill in the blank verbally for the missing numbers or alphabet correctly. Eg. Mummy and Zo Ee reciting alternately, “1” , “2” , “3” , “4” …. Or “A” , “B” , “C” , “D” ,….. (video attached at the end of this blog)
  • Recognize all her additional new shapes (Parallelogram, Pentagon, Heptagon, Quadrilateral, Polygon, Trapezium, Hexagon, Octagon, Semicircle and Cross)
  • Recognize more people from photos.
  • Always reminding Mummy that she wanted to wash her hands after eating by saying, “wash, wash” while rubbing her hands.

Intellectual skill

  • Recognize Minnie Mouse as “Mou” (mouse), although Mummy and Daddy haven’t introduced her to this cartoon character. But past few days, she is calling it "Minnie" instead.
  • Refuses to leave a place, eg. the supermarket or playground. When daddy tells her, “Daddy bao bao.” Immediately, little Zo Ee will sit on the floor and cry – indicating her dislikes of leaving the place.
  • Can understand many instructions. Eg. “Stop the music.” Little Zo Ee will press the stop key at her keyboard. (video attached at the end of this blog)
  • Fit all numbers back into the floor mat
  • Matching shapes (oval, circle)
  • Completed her shape sorters (triangle, square, circle, cross, rectangle) and (star, triangle, flower shape). (video attached at the end of this blog)
  • Will put things back at their original places while saying, “back” (put it back)
  • Pretend to dial and chat on the toy telephone, saying “Haro” (hello) or “hi” or “bye” and some funny language sound (imitating chatting).
  • Recognized herself in her younger day’s videos, chuckles at them too.
  • Pretend to sneeze “ah cooo…”
  • Knocking at the doors while saying “knock, knock”
  • Turning on/off the torchlight while saying “on” or “off” or “light”
  • Loves to be part of the family by imitating our actions or words, eg. Eating with a spoon, wearing a hairband/hairclip.
  • Can easily understand and grasped any simple new concept. Eg. Matching shapes.
  • Choose her book/thing/food of choice.


Stop the music.
Little Zo Ee is able to say the word "stop" and understand the meaning behind it.

Numbers & alpabet (reciting with Mummy)

Knowing her Opposites

Shown in this video are some of Zo Ee's opposites collection: happy/sad, big/small, long/short, fat/thin, up/down, slow/fast, hot/cold

Completing her shape sorters

Mummy introduced all the shapes to Zo Ee this month. (after having a rest last month)

Browsing book

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