Saturday, June 27, 2009

Reciting 1,2,3,...,10 - 14months old

Zo Ee at 14months 2weeks old. (26/6/2009)

I couldn’t believe my ears. I just overheard little Zo Ee reciting her numbers several time; “one, two, tee(three), for(four), ive(five), ix( six),….(pause), eight, ine(nine), ten” in bed. That’s a lot, 9 words in a row for a 14months old and in the correct sequence. And for the pausing and missing seven, she must be having trouble saying it with her current limited 2 syllabus words vocabulary. "No matter what, This is really amazing!!! "

I believe this is the power of watching television (in this case -VCD programme) , so parents out there, be extra careful on what programmes your children are watching on the television. They will easily grasp ideas or knowledge without filtering - good or bad. Basically absorbing everything they see and hear.

Yes, little Zo Ee learned this from her VCD programme in less than 10x viewing as Mummy has been reserving this disc for a long time. (Never want to confuse little Zo Ee with her number dots.) But only showing it to her lately, especially last week, as Mummy was running out of discs for her diaper changing time - while little Zo Ee was down with stomach-flu.

Furthermore, for those whose have been following my blog, they should know that I have been teaching little Zo Ee number dots and maths equations in random. I am more focus on her knowing and recognizing her number dots (0-100) and lately her numbers in symbols (0-100). So the idea of reciting them was never on my head all this while. Moreover “learning to recite them” is a little too early for a 14 months old who is currently saying one to two words sentences. But my little Zo Ee has just proven me wrong. “She is just an amazing toddler! I’m just speechless!!! “
Updated as on 2nd July 2009.
At 5am today, little Zo Ee was wide awake and reciting her numbers again. This time, she got them all perfectly; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Yeh! Yeh! Yeh!

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