Today, Mummy heard some nice music coming from the living hall which caught Mummy's attention. It was little Zo Ee, playing attentively on her keyboard, not the usual noise created by her. Although it was not any particular song, impossible from a 17-months old, but the music was definitely nice to Mummy's ears. Mummy could see that little Zo Ee was paying a lot of attention on it, and was playing like a professional little fellow. It was amazing that she has moved on to another level rather than impatiently pressing the keys randomly or the most is making some high to low or low to high sounds. Little Zo Ee was in no hurry just now, Mummy even noticed that she did press some keys longer and pausing in between too. Was she trying to create some nice music of her own? (Will try to capture one for keep sake.)
Mummy took the opportunity to show little Zo Ee the function of the record and re-play keys. So Mummy played a few notes on the keyboard, showing and telling Zo Ee about the record key while recording it and followed by showing and telling Zo Ee about the re-play key. Mummy repeated this demonstration a few times with different sets of music notes. Each time, Mummy was telling little Zo Ee, "record" before each recording and later "re-play" before pressing the re-play key. And to Mummy's surprised, little Zo Ee was able to notice the same sound being reproduced by the re-play function without being told or explained to. Little Zo Ee was telling Mummy, "same! same!" while pointing at the keyboard during one of the re-play. Amazing, isn't it? Mummy was wondering, "Is little Zo Ee being extra alert or was Mummy's demonstration superb? "
Zo Ee's progress: (ascending order)
Zo Ee's progress: (ascending order)
- Only pressing the demo keys, either "1 song" or "FULL" demo.
- Randomly pressing keys, demo key's still her favourite
- Pressing other function keys like rock, disco, march, etc, but demo key's still her favourite.
- Knows how to use the "STOP" key to stop the music.
- Playing the music keys randomly, demo key's still her favourite.
- Playing the music keys randomly while pretending to be singing the "ABC" song. (imitating a scene from her VCD), demo key's still her favourite.
- Fully utilized the DEMO mode, between "1 song" demo (can selectively select different songs by repeatedly pressing this same key.) and "FULL" demo (playing all the songs.)
- Playing from low to high and high to low.
- In-cooperating two different functions at the same time, eg. DISCO mode while pressing the SNARE drum key, or playing the music keys.
- Playing some nice music (nice enough for Mummy's ears), usually making noises instead of music.