Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My dedication to my baby.

Caring for a little baby is an extremely challenging job. Some may think that taking care of a little one is merely, feeding and changing diapers and thus what the big deal about it!

First, the decision to be a full-time mummy is a tough one. One has to be willing to give up ones’ desire career and time with colleagues and friends. Some times, I do miss my time in the office, tea breaks and lunch with friends, and those chatting and giggles we used to have (Now, my only company in the day time is baby). Besides, stopped working means switching from a double income to a single income family, with this, I have to give up a lot of luxury entertainments and shopping. When I was working, I could afford to buy myself big items without a second thought but now, spending is a think think event!

Many think that being a full-time mummy is a relaxing time at home, working is hard work therefore working daddy deserved rest when at home. But this isn’t true. If daddy comes home and get rest without helping around, meaning mummy will need to work 24hours a day, 7days a week and 365days a year without a break. That’s the toughest job in the world.
Previously, I used to think that nothing can be more difficult than my designing job; with tight schedules, working with endless people and forever overtime till midnight and over the weekends. But if you were to ask me this question again, I’ll say that "I was wrong. Nothing is more tough and challenging than being a new mother and caring for a baby at home." Baby demands love, attention, and care every second, every minute round the clock, meaning there is no real break or rest. Last time, no matter how busy at work, once I reached home, I could drop everything and sleep peacefully for at least a few hours in a stretch. It is a luxury if any mummy(with baby) can have a 100% peaceful night sleep. Also no matter how tired I am now, I have to wait untill baby asleep before I can retire to bed myself.
I believe all mummies are sensitive towards their babies’ need, like me, I’m awake when baby whines or cries a little or even a little sneezes in the middle of the night. Though I may not be attending to her, still I’m constantly worrying over my baby well-being. Is she too hot or is she cold or did she have a nightmare or is she hungry etc… Sometimes, a sick or teething baby will keep on crying for comfort and the persistent loud crying will drive anyone out of his/her mind. Some times, this even resulted me in hearing her cries in my head while sleeping. Nevertheless, I still have to keep myself compose and calm while tending to my discomfort child selflessly.

Being a full-time mummy, I highly respected my current responsibility. I am treating it as a full-time professional job with passion and dedication. Basically, my job starts when baby awakes in the morning, tending to her basics and emotional needs and other development. My days never end until baby asleep at night. And this including weekends, public holiday and there isn’t annual leave entitlement for a stay home mummy, even if I fall sick, I still have to be my baby’s mummy. There is little I can do (house chores) when baby is awake, as I don’t want to confine her to a playpen which constricts her development. I have a little area for her to play and roam and thus this needs constant monitoring, which is extremely tiring for me. Most of the day, she will be roaming and playing freely, but I am very particular that she sits and has a proper meal at the table and picks up her toys before bedtime. The other confining time is when I make milk for her; she will wait for me in her cot.

Some may think that I’m putting too much stress upon myself for being a perfect parent. Frankly speaking, I am just doing my best everyday for my child well-beings. Caring for a little baby is very different from managing a whole group of people. You can order around and plan your day while in the office but these do not apply when tending to a little baby. A parent can only adopt and adapt ways that work best with their baby with constant changes and new methods which may work better as baby grows older. Sensitivity and Flexibility is the key. Work in the office can be delayed an hour or two but a crying baby cannot wait even another second.

Since the day baby arrived, baby becomes my main focus. Everyday and everything revolves around baby. Moreover, I believe in early development, therefore, I spend time and always looking for new opportunity to help my little one grows. Therefore I am spending a lot of time playing and coaching her everyday. Even when I'm doing the dishes, I'll be telling her what I am doing, which is a plate or a spoon? Also I choose to spend time playing with her than watching the television. I do not have the luxury time to watch any tv drama or movie anymore, not to mention my favourite “American Idol.” As for this season, I did not see any nor am aware that the show was ongoing and just over. The only programme I watch is Baby’s programmes where I watch them with my little baby.
For the pass one year, most of my favourites have to be put on hold – reading the newspaper, most of the days; I only look at the headlines without opening the newspaper, so it is as new as it was being delivered at the door steps. Shopping now is for baby stuffs and baby food. What will she be having this week and so on? The only luxury time I have is after baby asleep, that’s when I have time to write my blog (recording baby development and memories) and the books I read are baby development books, updating and equipping myself on baby know how as I’m learning to be a mummy to a toddler now, so there is a need for constant learning. There are many other books I wish to read and tv shows that I wish to watch but am giving baby number one priority at this moment. Other things can wait but not baby’s opportunity to learn and long-term growth and development at these crucial years.

“ When we take a closer look, we may see that we have been selfish, insensitive, and extremely short-sighted to design the baby’s environment almost totally for our comfort and convenience, thus denying the baby his birthright to move and explore and develop his abilities to their fullest. “ – Glenn Doman

"Why is teaching and coaching so important now?" Some may think, no such need to stress up yourself. Let babies be babies. They will learn by themselves. (Through accidental discoveries) Children can learn later in school. Teachers will teach them. "Why wait if baby can learn effectively and painlessly now? Why want our child to struggle in school later and many years ahead (after the window opportunity of learning closed at 6years old) if learning can be fun and effortless now?" I believe that proper development in all area will ensure proper wiring in the brain which determines future ability of the child. This is the main reason that I am helping my little one to learn every moment of everyday.I even go to the extent to learn on subject that I dislike; dinasaurs, so that I can share it with my baby. Though dinasaurs has never been a topic that I wanted to know or learn, but I am learning about it now, because I do not want to deprive my baby from knowing it. Baby ought to learn about everything and anything.

“After more than a half-century of watching our babies grow up, we are convinced that what the baby will be like as an adult in terms of physical and neurological ability is determined more strongly in the first year of life than in any other period.” – Glenn Doman

“Do we join baby or get in his way? If we join baby, we enter a world that is exciting and dynamic. Nothing stays the same in this world of the tiny child. Baby changes every day and this means we have to change too. Sometimes it is hard work for us to change, especially every day! The prize, however is a happy, respected, productive, and highly capable child who loves and respects his parents and values the good teaching, wisdom, and experience of the adults around him. The truth is that this process begins right now: not when he is six or ten or fifteen but right now. This is the moment.” – Glenn Doman.

Of course, occasionally, I do take a break, sitting at the Coffee Beans, sipping my favourite coffee, and have some quiet time away from my little one, to recharge and relax myself or do some thinking and reflection on my own needs.

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