Sunday, June 12, 2011

enkounter puzzle - 3years 1month

Zo Ee at 3years 1month old (9th June 2011)

As I mentioned earlier, Zo Ee never likes conventional type of puzzles but she enjoys playing with simple 7 pieces tangram and kaleidoscope. So far, she has only solved one tangram puzzle by herself. The rest, we co-play, I'll chip in one or two pieces whenever she gets stuck so that she can proceed and finish each puzzle with pride. Although not 100% of her own effort but it was good enough to boost her confident and interest to keep going for the next one.

Today, I got her a new strategy game enkaunter. Although it was not to be played like the kaleidoscope, nevertheless she put these together in 10minutes. If you notice carefully, she actually misplaced one ziz-zag piece upside down, nevertheless I think it is pretty good effort for her age. She just enjoys the kick of trying to fit all the pieces back into the square holder.

Putting these sample pieces back into the holder.

She completed this in 10 minutes.

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