Zo Ee at 20months 4weeks old. (6/1/2010)Little Zo Ee first kissed Mummy when she was 7 month old and has been showing this affection since then but she is hugging and kissing more frequently recently. She will want to hug and kiss anything that she loves; and these are not subjected to Mummy and Daddy alone but her bears, doll, neighbour's pets or even pictures in books. She will kiss those animal pictures in books whenever she sees one of her liking, eg. she will comment,
"Want to kiss the cat." before leaning forward and kiss that particular cat photo on the page. Other than kissing, she also hugs Mummy with much affection lately; a tight squeeze and some patting on my back occasionally. Again, its kind of weird to see such behaviour from my 20 month old.
Are these common practices in other toddlers too?Above all, sometimes, little cheeky Zo Ee demanded Mummy and Daddy to hold hands and to kiss each other on the lips, and this even happens in the public. She will pull at our hands before putting Mummy's hand into Daddy's hand, pushed us closer together, before finally telling us,
"Kiss. Kiss" She will not give up until we kissed. Its such a scene especially with her loud comment in the public and kissing is not a common public practice here. Moreover, we only kiss her on her cheeks since young and have never kiss openly in front of her either but little Zo Ee has always insisted us to kiss on the lips. We are not sure why she wanted us to kiss, but to my naive little Zo Ee, kissing means a way of showing her affection and love. Maybe she wants Mummy and Daddy to love each other more!
; )
Zo Ee at 7months 26days old - giving Daddy a kiss...........................................................
12 month old -
Hugs & Kisses
Mummy is amazed with her imagination. : )
20 month old - Fearful of the unknown