Friday, December 18, 2009

Scribble 4 - 20 month old

Zo Ee at 20months old. (11/12/2009)

These scribbling was done by little Zo Ee on the day she turned 20-month old.

Zo Ee is able to draw Mummy a long straight line across the paper (a long straigth orange line across down this drawing below, and another long green straight line on the following drawing.)

By accident, little Zo Ee drew a blue triangle below. Excitedly, little Zo Ee explained to Mummy, "Zo Ee draws a triangle." while pointing at it. Little Zo Ee further explained to Mummy, "3 sides and 3 corners." before telling Mummy, "Zo Ee colours the triangle." Little Zo Ee has been able to differentiate writing, drawing and colouring since months ago but Mummy just could not recall when exactly by now. Thus, she's able to use these words appropriately without any confusion. Sometimes, little Zo Ee will be telling Mummy, "Zo Ee is writing numbers." or "Zo Ee is writing letters." too.

Other than knowing her colours (since 12 month old), little Zo Ee can recognize and name these: straight line, broken lines, zig-zag line, curvy/wavy line, dot-dot (her usual description "dot-dot for the eyes.") for quite some time too and most shapes (more shapes at 14-month old, basic shapes since 12-month old).


19-month old - holding pencil appropriately

14-month old - Scribble 3

14-month old - Scribble 2

13-month old - First scribble

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