Sunday, December 13, 2009

Complaining - 20 month old

Zo Ee at 20months 2days old. (13/12/2009)

Little Zo Ee was making a huge fuss ; crying and yelling on top of her voices while saying these, "Why are you screaming? Why crying?" At that time, I was in the bedroom, and I could hear her crying and fussing over the day bag, asking to open the bag. "Open the bag, open the bag". I believed she was trying to open the bag herself and when failed, she came running and complaining to Mummy, "Why crying? Why screaming?" and when Mummy directed this question back to her, "Why are you screaming? I don't like anyone screaming in the house." The agitated Zo Ee started complaining, "Daddy, Daddy keeps blueberries inside the bag. Get blueberries! Get blueberries " Immediately, little Zo Ee ran back out to the hall and tried her hands on the bag again, while kept saying "open the bag. open the bag. Wants blueberries."

Ha! Ha! Ha! Little Zo Ee actually saw Daddy washing and putting the blueberries into a small container before keeping them inside the day bag, as we will be going out for dinner. Those blueberries were for her after the dinner. But what Daddy didn't notice was that little Zo Ee saw his doing and was expecting Daddy to give the blueberries to her now and not keeping them to be savor later. Finally, Daddy had to give in and little Zo Ee immediately calmed down and was eating her blueberries happily and was all contented when finished.

This is not Zo Ee first complain as she used to come complaining to me when she had a fall or hurt herself; eg. "fall over" or "fall down" or "very painful" . But this is her first time in complaining about someone else doings... "Daddy keeps blueberries inside the bag." : )

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