Monday, August 29, 2011

Science workbooks - 3years 4months old.

Zo Ee at 3years 4months old. (29th August 2011)

Mummy is very glad to have found a few science workbooks for Zo Ee. Immediately, she was so attached to it. Zo Ee even brought it with her to the restaurant. Most of the pages are pretty easy to her and she has no problem doing them herself without any help except to some thinking questions like; Why do you think the Earth is called the water planet? and Which is the smallest continent on Earth? She couldn't answer this question as the picture was not drawn to proper proportion where two continents were drawn to about the same size. Nevertheless, she managed to answer that Asia is the biggest continent, there are 7 continents in the world and She lives on the Asia continent.

Another book on Dinosaurs. Here Zo Ee has drawn a baby dinosaur inside the egg.

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