Saturday, December 25, 2010

Drawing Skill - 2 years 8months old

Update of Zo Ee's drawing skill.

1st December 2010
(2years 7months old)

Gong-Gong(grandpa) had doubts that little Zo Ee could draw a face with eyes, eyebrows, mouth , ear, etc. So the doubtful grandpa asked Zo Ee to draw a table. Zo Ee amazed Mummy and grandpa with her drawing - a table with four legs(first time drawing a table-self-taught), with an apple(right), an orange and a plate of pasta(left) on it.

1st October 2010 (2years 5months old)
Zo Ee's drawing: an igloo, a ladder

1st October 2010 (2years 5months old)
Zo Ee's drawing: a sad face with hair, eyes, eyebrows, ears, mouth and beard

6th September 2010 (2years 4months old)
Zo Ee's drawing - a door with a knob

6th September 2010 (2years 4months old)
Zo Ee's drawing - an apple with a face, another face(green) with neck and hair too.

6th September 2010 (2years 4months old)
Zo Ee's insisted Mummy to draw a face so that she can copy. She also insisted Mummy to add a neck to the face.

5th September 2010 (2years 4months old)
Zo Ee's drawing : 3 submarines, letter "t"

5th September 2010 (2years 4months old)
Zo Ee's drawing : a plastic bag, a pail, a cherry

4th May 2010 (2years 23days old)
Zo Ee's able to copy lines, circles, crisscross

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