Sunday, November 1, 2009

Singapore Zoo - 18 month old

Zo Ee at 18months 3weeks old. (1/11/2009)

This morning, when Mummy had to wake little Zo Ee up earlier than usual as we were going to the zoo. When Mummy asked little Zo Ee, "Zo Ee, we are going to the zoo today. Do you want to go with Mummy and Daddy? We are going to see the polar bear." Immediately, little Zo Ee answered Mummy, "Bei ji siong" (polar bear in Chinese) even before opening her eyes. Little Zo Ee is very keen and self-directed in learning and practicing her Chinese, always surprising us with her many new Chinese words lately. Maybe she knows English language too well by now, that's why she is moving on to learn a new language.

This is little Zo Ee's first visit to the zoo. Zo Ee was only keen on the bigger animals which could been easily seen from afar but the warm and humid weather left her exhausted and tired all the time. She even had her afternoon nap at the Ah Meng's restaurant with the comfort of the air-conditioners while Mummy had her coffee and Daddy read his papers. As for the animal shows and performance, she's still too young to enjoy them due to the crowds at each shows where we had to sit far away from the stage.

Mummy wonders, which is little Zo Ee's favourite animal of the day, was it the elephant, rhinoceros, giant tortoise, penguin or ostrich? Mummy and Daddy think little Zo Ee loves the elephant the most, as she was all excited seeing them, imitating the elephant sound while waving her hand up and down, like the elephant's trunk.

Finally, when we were home, Mummy asked little Zo Ee again, " Would you like to go to the zoo or swimming? " Zo Ee answered, "Swimming". Ha! Ha! yeah, swimming is still her most love at this moment. When she saw the water park at the zoo, she was running towards it happily, and did spend some refreshing time ,splashing at the pool.

Zo Ee and Mummy

Zo Ee and Daddy with the Macaws.

Zo Ee and Daddy with the white tigers.

Zo Ee and Mummy with the sleeping lions.

Zo Ee and Mummy.

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