Friday, November 20, 2009

No! says Zo Ee - 19 month old

Zo Ee at 19months 1week old. (19/11/2009)

When Mummy was reading this book on Neptune to little Zo Ee, little Zo Ee objected with a loud "No!" upon hearing this sentence; "The planet Neptune looks blue." So Mummy stopped and asked little Zo Ee, "No? Why NO? Is there anything Zo Ee wants to tell Mummy?" Little Zo Ee paused and then pointed at the Neptune photo on the next page, while saying "purple". Oh! This Mummy must agreed with little Zo Ee, the Neptune shown in the photo does look purple to me too. Hmm...wondering why this well known publisher put such a contradicting photo there, even my 19 month old can point out the difference!


17 month old
No! Violin!

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