Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Zo Ee has been reading? - 2years 9months

Zo Ee at 2years 9months old. (7/2/2011)

Where is yee mah's baby? To answer her question Mummy showed her the pregnancy book; and she spent a few days of last week browsing through this book again and again, examining the growing fetus; week by week until delivery. Now she understands that she was once growing inside Mummy's tummy and every little/very young baby has to grow inside their mother's tummy until they are fit to be born.

Pain Messengers
Little Zo Ee patiently waited for Mummy (30minutes) and kept asking Mummy to read to her, "Mummy, please read to Zo Ee...." When Mummy asked her to read to herself since most of the time, she can read by herself as Mummy has been very sick for the past days. This time she reluctant and replied, " Mummy please read to Zo Ee. Zo Ee cannot read." ( I guessed she cannot understand instead of cannot read), and also the printings were very small. So she persistently asking Mummy to read to her instead....
Initially, Mummy didn't have any idea what article that interest her so much and with her reading skill, she should be able to understand most children books. Surprisingly, below is the article that little Zo Ee has been persistently wanting Mummy to read to her; How Pain travels through the body.

When Mummy finally sat down to read, even Mummy was struggling to understanding, and was not able to explain details to Zo Ee immediately. Impatient Zo Ee was bombarding Mummy with so many questions and Mummy was puzzled and was trying to digest and making sense of the diagram and printings. Little Zo Ee looked for the same page again the following night, and was able to use the book content to find the similar page by herself. Again she asked Mummy to read to her the same diagram....this time round, Mummy could see a clearer picture of it and therefore managed to explain to little Zo Ee in a better perspective. Soon after Mummy's explaination , little Zo Ee immediately, explain the whole thing to Daddy. She just can't wait to share her precious new knowledge with Daddy.
Little Zo Ee was telling Mummy, " Mummy please read Messengers of pain, page 14. "

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